To offer Cafe opportunities to hang out with friends, teams, TGIFriends™/Thank Goodness It's Friends and Weight Gainers International™ members. All patrons can be gainers. Choose to gain or lose a pound a year for fitness, to grab a snack, to hang out with TGIFriends Champs, to mingle with a proposed match, to hear a 5-minute HOWDI Cafe speaker, or taste a beverage.
Food Service with a Purpose: A portion of each purchase goes to alleviate world hunger with indigenous farms saving wildlife in rainforest sustaining hydration in the Panama Canal Watershed waters essential to lift the ships over the continental divide and safely lower them to the different and changing levels of the oceans along the Carribean-Pacific Ocean corridor of the updated and expanded Panama Canal. The 1aim2help Team promotes peak performance of those served with the requisite nutrition and refreshments needed in cooperation with the United States and the Randolph-Sheppard Act, State of Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity Bureau of Services for Blind Persons, Business Enterprise Program.
Refresh for Success™️ -- 1aim2help Collaborates with State Business Enterprise Program For Vending That Served Millions Under the Randolph-Sheppard Act
Founded by an Oxford University US-UK Fulbright Scholarship grantee, State Bar Champion of Justice Awardee, and National C.H.E.M. Honoree with a track record of serving high-level officials in all branches of the federal government, as well as serving on the state and international levels. 1Aim2Help serves all from C-Level Executives to agencies, businesses, and individuals in delivering and expediting high-quality products and services to public and private clientele in the USA and many nations. We are at your service.
Questions? Call 888-98HELP4 or 248-220-1501.